Wilson tow-truck safety bill advances to governor’s desk
House passes bill prompted by tragic deaths of Longview-area tow-truck operators OLYMPIA – Sen. Jeff Wilson’s two-year effort to reduce hazards at roadside accident scenes has landed on the governor’s desk, following unanimous votes in the House and Senate. Senate Bill 5023, sponsored by Wilson, R-Longview, would allow tow-truck operators...
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A shocking ruling from the state Supreme Court
People lose, government wins in income tax decision Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Wilson’s subscribers March 29, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Wilson’s e-newsletters, click here. Dear friends and neighbors, In this e-newsletter, I’m going to tell you about the most shocking development in Washington politics...
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Capital Budget includes $40M building at Lower Columbia College, funding for local projects
Lower Columbia College Center for Vocational and Transitional Studies, Longview. OLYMPIA – The Washington Senate Friday passed a capital budget providing $40 million for a new vocational training center at Lower Columbia College in Longview, $8.3 million for improvements to Cape Disappointment State Park, and other public works projects across...
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Court decision favoring new state income tax is betrayal of Washington voters, says Sen. Jeff Wilson
OLYMPIA — Sen. Jeff Wilson, R-Longview, ranking Republican on the Senate State Government Committee, offered the following comment on the new state income tax. The state Supreme Court announced its decision Friday, March 24 to uphold the tax on capital gains income. The tax was passed by legislative Democrats...
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Sen. Jeff Wilson baffled by scrap-industry attack on catalytic converter theft bill
Longview senator: ‘When catalytic converter components are worth more than gold, we have to change the way we do business’ OLYMPIA – Sen. Jeff Wilson said fast-growing catalytic converter theft compels lawmakers to consider changes in the way auto wreckers and scrap dealers do business, and he is baffled by...
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Wilson bill combatting catalytic converter theft gets hearing Tuesday
Measure is receiving attention during final weeks of 2023 legislative session OLYMPIA – A proposal from Sen. Jeff Wilson that takes a fresh approach to catalytic converter theft gets a hearing Tuesday in the Senate Law and Justice Committee, and will remain under consideration through the remainder of the 2023...
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Catalytic converter theft in WA state is organized crime, so let’s treat it that way
Note: The following op-ed appeared in the Tri-City Herald March 5, 2023. As the Washington Legislature debated the catalytic converter bill last session, someone parked this car across the street from my house in Longview. Within days, thieves had it up on blocks, the wheels were stripped and the...
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Wilson votes for bill partially restoring police pursuits, but says it falls short
Senator votes yes because keeping current restrictions is worse OLYMPIA – Sen. Jeff Wilson joined the Senate Wednesday in voting for a bill that partially restores the ability of police to pursue fleeing suspects, but called Senate Bill 5352 a half-step toward the full restoration of police powers Washington state...
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Town hall meetings coming up Saturday in Longview, March 25 in Aberdeen
Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Wilson’s subscribers March 6, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Wilson’s e-newsletters, click here. Live and in person! Crime is hot topic in Legislature as action moves to the House and Senate floors Dear friends and neighbors, We’ve reached the midway point of...
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