Thanks for visiting my website! I’m Jeff Wilson, your senator from the 19th Legislative District. I am honored that you have elected me to be your voice at the statehouse.
I want to repay that trust by speaking for the issues of importance to Southwest Washington. Providing jobs for working families. Holding the line on taxes. Making sure we maintain core government services and effective education programs. Reining in reckless spending, and making sure government is transparent and accountable.
I am especially honored to serve as ranking Republican on the Senate State Government and Elections Committee, where many of the most important debates on state-government operations and practices play out. Our challenge is to restore trust and faith in government, and this is a good place to start.
But I need your help. I want to know your concerns about state government, and what we in Olympia can do to help. If you have a problem with a state-government agency, my office stands ready to provide assistance. Please don’t hesitate to call, write a letter or send an email. Most of all, we are here to serve you.
Jeff Wilson
Senator, 19th Legislative District
Important note: Written communications are subject to disclosure under the Washington Public Records Act.
Latest News From Sen. Jeff Wilson
State should charge for charging, end free juice for EV owners
Anti-initiative bill gets vote on Friday, and Wilson is dismayed
Tell Olympia what you think about limiting the governor’s emergency powers
Taking aim against sea lion predation
Senate passes Wilson bill to make ‘Evergreen State’ nickname official
Wilson legislation clears way for kit homes, one solution to housing crisis
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Stay in Touch
Please let me know if we can help in your dealings with a state agency, or if you have a general comment about state government. My office is here for you. Please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail, phone or by mail. I look forward to hearing from you!